If you don't have a lot of experience with the different settings and how they work, deciding which brake pads to use can be confusing and frustrating. For a simple game that seems to have many similar choices, the facts are actually the opposite of this theory. Brake pads are not that simple to choose. There are many different types of brake pads that can be used for different purposes and applications. Since they are much more complicated than they appear at first glance, don't overlook the details that will help you choose the type of brake pad that's right for you.

What is your budget?

Trying to find out which brake pad best suits your budget may narrow your choice. Indeed, if you're looking for the cheapest brake pads, ceramic brake pads are not the best option. Due to the technology and materials used, they have higher manufacturing and production costs compared to metal brake pads. However, in order to choose the right pad for the right application, you should look beyond the price. In this case, you must first understand what you need. 

What is your driving style?

The type of driving you're going to do is the main factor in choosing the right brake pad. If you are a calmer driver or if you drive an economy car, then consider organic or ceramic brake pads. They are known to be the best under most normal driving circumstances. Ceramic brake pads are always effective over a wide range of temperatures. They have good wear resistance, low noise and low dust, which is why consumers are demanding more ceramic materials on the market. In short, ceramic brake pads are an excellent way to increase braking power, reduce dust and noise, while offering high performance.

For which type of car?

If you have a truck, a SUV or a vehicle that regularly carries heavier loads, or even a heavier vehicle in general, metal brake pads are the best solution. They offer effective braking power and good heat deflection, at the expense of higher wear rates on the brakes as a whole. They do not have a high braking capacity as long as they have not been heated up to a certain point, but most of them are still good under normal circumstances, even when they are a little cold. The concept of a semi-metallic pad is to use materials that can withstand higher temperatures while braking the rotor and to maintain a high level of friction. While this means that more dust is created, more noise can be generated, and that it chews the rotor more quickly, performance is not compromised.